liberty of faith and worship

Religious freedom protects people’s right to live, speak, and act according to their beliefs peacefully and publicly. Liberty of faith and worship is such a path taker of the society towards a happy place.
The struggle for religious liberty has been ongoing for centuries, and has led to innumerable, often tragic conflicts. The twentieth century saw the traces of common values related to freedom of religion and belief in numerous international treaties, declarations and conventions. The United Nations recognized the importance of freedom of religion or belief in the year 1948.The UNO declared that “Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have a religion or whatever belief of his or her choice.” The fight for religious liberty is an effort to prevent the government from doing what even Almighty will not do: liberate the feeling of faith.
All the Religions respect each other today. In the world that is progressing towards broadminded thinking, and migrative lives, Religious Liberty has become a culture. You can see people following and embracing various religions at the same time. This is not only out of Respect but also out of Love, Friendship and Civilization.
There are raising voices of support, condemning against religious riots and attacks in the social media. You can see the communities, governments and people coming across to offer their love and support, through relaxing laws and schemes for the vulnerable communities. Muslim girls are offered access to education more in countries like Pakistan, Israel, Iran and UAE today. The Palestine-Israel Riots have reduced considerably. Humanity and Love is becoming the global language accepted by all. The Work done by UNO, UNICEF, WEF, WHO, are commendable in making the society a progressive one. I as an individual, follow, respect and preach all religions. I feel that Each Religion has something to offer, something to teach, and something to love about through their morals and values.
Conclusion: Religious Liberty offered on a huge level in the 21st century is indeed a gift to the youth and upcoming generation worldwide. The Video Below is just a informative guide about what a Religious Freedom Is about. we hope you enjoy it as much as we did
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