gratitude journal on june 2020

Gratitude creates a feeling of being content, which in turn leads to positive feelings. This leads to hope for better times. So Folks, Lets practice gratitude during this pandemic. This too shall pass. Here are the three things I am grateful for today.
I am grateful to Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra and other e-commerce business chains for reopening business, opting with safe zero contact delivery to their customers. I got some stuff delivered at my home. I had my delivery person wearing a mask. He just dropped the box beside the gate, after giving a call, asking me to come outside and pick it. Touched!!!
We had heavy rains and a beautiful weather today after a long time. It felt so good to keep hearing the sound of showers and thunders for hours, than the usual gloomy quiet outdoors during this period.
I am grateful to have a beautiful woman as my mother. She accepts my odds, bears my mood swings, puts up with me, and stands by me as a saviour in grave situations. I must admit that she is one of the best gifts given to me from God. A “Thank You” can’t be enough to show how much I treasure you mom. I am Grateful for You in My Life
Please Note: You might also like reading another version of my Gratitude Journal dated May 2020.