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diabetes friendly foods

Diabetes friendly foods

  1. Spinach – This is an all season available food. It is a rich source of fiber, vitamins, pottasium, calcium, and Zinc. Spinach’s glycemic levels help in stabilising the diabetic sugar levels.
  2. Broccoli is a superfood often seen in almost every healthy food listing. They are known for providing fibre, minerals, vitamins and nutritional value. They have a very low value of 10 on GI scales and therefore, the body can handle it very well.
  3. Get plenty of fruits – Some  examples of low-glycemic fruits and vegetables include Apples,Dates and Oranges.
  4. Seafood is good for diabetic patients since it’s an excellent source of low proteins. They are known to be rich in omega 3, a kind of fat that strengthens the heart and prevent diabetes. Including seafood in your diet and having at least two or more servings a week will help a great deal in blood sugar levels reduction.
  5. Snack on Nuts – Some of Healthy Nuts for people with diabetes include Walnuts, Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts and Pistachios.
  6. Oatmeals –Have oatmeal for breakfast.Studies have confirmed that eating whole grains and high-fibre foods helps in reducing the risk of diabetes by almost 35 to 42%. Oatmeal consists of high fibre and whole grains. In addition, it consists of soluble fibre that slows down the rate of glucose absorption in the GIT thus ensuring the blood-sugar levels are kept at the right levels.
  7. Drink Green Tea: green tea has positive effects on diabetes symptoms. It was shown to decrease levels of fasting insulin, fasting glucose, and blood sugar levels. Green Tea has long been touted for its benefits on brain and heart health. It can also help your body burn fat and calories, aiding in weight loss.
  8. Beans and lenthils are rich in magnesium, fiber, and protein. These nutrients may be able to help lower blood sugar. They’re particularly high in soluble fiber and resistant starch, which help slow digestion and may improve blood sugar response after meals
  9. Avacados – Numerous studies have found that avocados may help reduce blood sugar levels and protect against the development of metabolic syndrome through fat loss. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions, including high blood pressure and high blood sugar, that increases chronic disease risk.
  10. Milk is known for providing calcium and vitamin D as well as high protein. Having a glass of milk when you are diabetic is totally acceptable since it falls under the low GI foods with a glycemic index of 31.

Did you know?

  • If you have diabetes or are at risk, it’s important to regulate blood sugar with a healthy diet.
  • A vegan diet can help manage blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
  • High fiber diets can help prevent and manage diabetes by delaying glucose absorption

11.Brown rice is one of the common foods that most diabetic people consume. This is because, compared to white rice, a serving is considered to have a glycemic rank of 87 whereas that of brown rice is 55.

12. Many people tend to fear garlic due to bad breath. But garlic extract is known to increase the levels of insulin available for diabetics. It has thereby been proven to reduce the levels of blood sugars.

13.Quinoa is an excellent item to control your blood sugar. Whole grain with a low glycemic index to support even blood sugar, is packed with protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Quinoa is easy to cook and flavorful, and you can incorporate it into a healthy diabetic diet in a variety of ways.

14. Whole wheat bread has gained popularity in recent years. This is because white bread is regarded as unhealthy. However, wheat bread is ranked 49 in terms of GI. This is because it’s processed differently from white bread hence, has more nutritional benefits.

15. Peanuts can either be enjoyed as a snack, with butter or even sauce. They are considered legumes and are very good at keeping someone alert. They are also very good at stabilizing blood sugars. Their glycemic index is rank is 6.

Whether you have pre-diabetes or diabetes or want to reduce your risk of developing these conditions, including the foods listed above as part of a nutritious diet may help lower your blood sugar levels.

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