The first step to a beautiful workplace is to keep up the space as clean as possible without any littering, finished work files, scattered stuff over the table etc.
Another way to add feminine touch to your office would be to add comfort, cosyness and style to the decoration. For example you can combine a counch with floral nuances, fresh flowers to natural lights.Spaces filled with light provoke us to be open and stress-free by reminding us of the world outside.your work space as organic as possible, say by setting your table near a open wide window and with a good scenery, by keeping indoor green plant pots. Select plants keep the air clean by removing toxic air emissions.
Consider using other additional accessories for your office like framed personal pictures, desk clocks, stationary holders, your certifications etc depending upon your office size.

Choose a paint color that matches with your mood and taste doe your room.Consider matching the paint coloring for your room along with a bright bulb lighting, if your decoration budget is feasible and very vital for your business. say if you keep meeting clients and work people here constantly.
Invest in your Chair.Get a great chair. Splurge on a comfortable, stylish chair. Make it something you want to sit, not that you have force yourself to get into. Remember you got to spend hours and hours in it.
Consider using Feng Shui concept for your Office decor.Feng shui, the 2,300-year-old Chinese art of harmonizing buildings with nature, gives you simple solutions to enhance the energy of your work environment, from merely functional to balanced and inspired. A Lot of books and online websites offer ideas on this.
Home offices with a feminine and elegant atmosphere acts a key to a wonderful working environment.
Girls please do give these ideas a try for renovating the look of your office, and leave your feedback here in the comments section. we would love to hear from you…,