lifestyle tips for elders
Some of the lifestyle tips for elders for a Healthy Living are listed below. Hope It is beneficial.

Keep Moving, Exercise:
Keep Moving As much as you can. Exercise, Do Yoga, And Stay Fit. Be Active Physically and Mentally. Take Long Walks, Take Part in the Household chores. Do Your Bit. These will keep you healthy physically and mentally. Physical Activities not only allevates depression but also improves memory and energy of the body.
Focus on Prevention and Safeguarding Your Health:
Focus on prevention of Lifestyle related Diseases like Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Muscle Pains etc and other vulnerable diseases like Cancer, Kidney related Disorders, Heart Diseases, etc. Take a Yearly Health Checkup Ritual with Your nearest Hospital and keep updated about your health. If experiencing any lifestyle related diseases like Diabetes, Blood pressure, etc make sure to take your medications regularly. But Keep on with your health goals to overcome them with strict discipline through physical activities, healthy diet.
Keep Your Finances and Savings Sound:
The First and Foremost advice for all senior citizens is to keep your finances and savings sound. Make Sure that You have enough money to cover your living expenses as well as your health expenses. Take a Medical Insurance Cover if you don’t have one. A Lot of Banks offer one for senior citizens today. Make sure that You get decent income out of your investments, Mutual Funds and Fixed Deposits. Try avoiding being dependent on your Children, Friends and Relatives for Money. Keeping Your Finances sound is one of the most vital aspects, enabling a healthy lifestyle for elders.
elders improve Your Social Life:
One of the Lifestyle Tips for Elders is that, Do not limit your social circle to just your family members at home. Spend time with your Friends. Take Time to make new Friends. Increase your social circle. Make it a point to spending time with fellow elderly friends, other age members in the Park, Gatherings or at a Social Club nearby. This will gain your knowledge and insights about the latest happenings in the society, gain you help in some way or the other.
Get Enough Sleep:
Frequent Awaking and Insomnia is common among elders. Stay away from Stress. Meditate Little before going to bed. Get Adequate amount of sleep of 7 to 8 hours a day. If possible take afternoon naps.
Also Take a Healthy Diet suiting your Health conditions. The below video is just a snippet of health care management for senior citizens.
Mental Health is Important:
We recommend that seniors do crossword puzzles, read and write and try out new hobbies to stimulate their minds and engage with the world around them. Maintain Positive Relationships with Your Children and Grand Children. Activities like these can ward off a decline in mental health.