
I have heard that two of my relatives are affected with Covid19. One in quarantine and one admitted to the Leelavati Hospital, Mumbai. It is a worrying situation as I see the spread of the virus vigorously in many places. During hard times like this staying resistant and positive have light spirits and heart filled with hope is the only way to get past this terrible virus till it ends its spread.
I need to keep practicing Gratitude which invokes positivity in me.
Thanks to God for keeping me healthy so far. I advise you guys to take one day a time. Stop worrying about the future. That is because I feel hurt when I see people suffering from disabilities, people fighting deadly diseases like Cancer, heart failure at young ages.
I am grateful to Ayurveda and Indian home remedies that make our immunity system stronger. Ginger Tea, Turmeric Garlic Milk, Ayurvedic Shakes (prescribed by the Health ministry) either of the one is included daily in our family diet ritual. Whats more all the Hospitals treating Covid19 have included these stuff in the patients diet chart.
I keep repeating this. But I cant help it from mentioning here, I am so grateful to my mother who takes care of us. She cooks for us, carries on the home chores, takes care of her grand kids at regular intervals. Ofcourse, I contribute my part to all these jobs as well But her sacrifice for us is definitely immeasurable. She bears our brunt’s as well. God Bless her! Grateful to have this wonder woman in my life.
Before I end I urge you all to be the best version of yourself when facing the blows life kicks on you. Trust me It helps immensely. God bless you all!
Much Love!!!
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