Gratitude Journal dated May 18th, 2020

Three Things I am Grateful for Today – Gratitude Journal
During this global crisis, I am grateful to God that I was able to donate a small sum to “I For India”, a nationwide CoVid19 fundraiser by GiveIndia and Facebook.
Secondly, I am grateful that we as a family are able to bear our business facelift’s as a result of CoVid19 crisis and still are financially stable. We are able to manage our living expenses. We are able to give salaries to our staff till May End and even me we have been able to reach out for help to our relatives and friends who are in need of money, facing tough times now.
Thirdly, My Little Neices… they have taught me that Love and Care has to be unconditional. I learn so many new things about Life from them every other day! They make me relax from all the odds in my Life.
Grateful Lord! Keep Us Safe!