Gratitude Journal Dated 19-May-2020

My Heart is filled with deep sadness when I see the number of deaths increasing over the globe to CoVid19. As a globe we are affected very badly.
But there are things to be grateful for being a global citizen.
Firstly, The initiatives taken by WHO, World Economic Forum, UNICEF, UNO, Help Organisations, Many more to name, to save each one of us from this pandemic has been overwhelming. They are battling CoVid19 to give us normal lives back. I am grateful to them for all that they do.
I am grateful to all the frontline health workers who work tirelessly towards providing us a sanitized environment.
The Cops who put law and order on control, take care of the lockdown in their cities, the medical workers who risk their lives and provide treatments not only to the Covid19 affected, but also to the patients fighting other vulnerable diseases.
Thirdly, To the Data, Mobile and Communication providers who connect us and work on giving us a vast pool of information about national and global updates, entertain us on social media channels, and most of all that keep us aware of the ongoing situation.