feng shui tips for wealth and prosperity
invest in a fish tank:
Some of the feng shui tips for wealth and prosperity would be to add an aquarium to the north or southeast side of your home. The north side attracts career opportunities, while the southeast sector brings financial abundance. The number of fish you have in the tank should be 8 redfish and 1 blackfish since that’s considered a lucky number for attracting positive Chi.
Decorate Your Home With Plants:

Decorating with living houseplants strengthens the energy of one particular feng shui element: wood. The wood element brings vital energy of growth and action into your space. It can also inspire compassion, kindness, and flexibility. Moreover, the color green, the shade of many plant is associated with healing. Some Plants likfe Money Plant, Lucky Bambo which is good for your Feng Shui is listed in the above image.
Create a Good Working Space:
Declutter Your Working Space completely. Keep it Clean and Flexible. An Open Space with lots of light to the home is ideal for feng shui. Organize Your Work Desk facing a window with a view or some greenery. This will invoke lots of creativity in the working space. Make sure that your desk should not face the wall as it creates a a block.
Add a Fountain
Add a Small Fountain to your home to attract prosperity and wealth. Water Fountains are a major symbol of wealth in feng shui. Sites like Amazon(for feng shui) and Alibaba sell lots of beautiful indoor fountains suiting your size. Place it to the direction of South West or East. Once you set up the fountain, make sure the water is flowing and put 27 coins in it to help activate the water energy with the help of metal energy.
Check Your Home For Broken Things:
One of the vital tips of Feng shui for wealth and prosperity is to vibrate positivity at home. Broken Things at home vibrate lots of negativity. So Check your home thoroughly if you have any broken things. Replace if any or fix it as soon as possible.
finally Please work as hard as possible. Wealth and Prosperity can be attained only through dedication, hard work, talent and not only with just luck. Here is a Informative Video listed below on how Feng Shui helps you with attaining wealth and prosperity.